Fees & Rebates
The Australian Psychological Society (APS) recommends a standard consultation fee of $300.00 for 46-60 minute consultation with a psychologist. Psychologists are able to vary this fee at their discretion. At The Social Space we set our fees taking into account the APS recommendations and the specialist nature of the practice.
For a standard consultation, our fees range from $156.00-$195.00 with a provisional psychologist (45-60 minutes), $240 with a Registered Psychologist and $280 with a Clinical Psychologist (45-60 minutes).
Our full qualified psychologists have a Medicare Provider number to enable clients to obtain a Medicare rebate if there is a valid mental health care plan in place. Our psychologists are also registered with AHPRA and approved health fund psychological service providers. Most private health funds offer rebates on psychological services. Rebates vary depending on your fund and your level of cover. Contact your health fund for the latest rebate information.
Our reception staff will be more than happy to answer any queries concerning consultation fees and related rebates. A copy of the fee schedule can be emailed upon request and will be provided at the initial appointment.
Please contact The Social Space for our latest fee schedule. The total cost of the program includes:
The individual session for children/families that assesses whether the group is suitable. This payment is required at the time of your consultation.
Once you have received confirmation of participation from The Social Space that you have been accepted into the program, we require an advance payment for the initial consultation, resources (if applicable) and the first three sessions.
The remainder of the account needs to settled at Session 3 of the program.
All accounts must be settled at the time of the consultation and payments can be made via cash, credit or Eftpos. Medicare rebates through Medicare are paid directly into your savings or cheque account upon transaction.
A copy of our cancellation policy is available from reception and will be explained to you at the initial appointment.
If you need to cancel or change an appointment and provide more than 48 hours notice, no fee is payable. Non attendance at an appointment or a last minute cancellation (less than 24hrs notice) will incur a cancellation fee equal to 100% of the consultation cost.
Any subsequent appointments will not take place until cancellation fees are settled.
Three consecutive cancellations may result in your appointment slot being offered to another client.
All dates and times are sent out prior to commencement. We recommend checking the dates to ensure you can attend every session. If you foresee that you may miss more than two sessions then we recommend attending the groups at a more convenient time. If you decide to forfeit the program it will incur a cancellation fee as outlined in our policy.
Please note there is no rebate available on cancellation fees. In the case of genuine illness or misadventure, please contact the clinic manager directly. Refunds will only be considered in extreme unforeseen circumstances and will be considered on a case by case basis.
To be eligible to receive the medicare rebates under the Better Access initiative you will first need to visit a GP who will assess you against certain criteria and, if eligible, prepare a Mental Health Care Plan and referral to take to your Psychologist. In addition to the plan the GP should provide a referral to the psychologist at The Social Space.
Nb. Referrals can also be made by Psychiatrists or Paediatricians.
What is a Mental Health Care Plan:
A ‘Mental Health Care Plan involves the GP assessing the patient, identifying needs, setting and agreeing management goals, identifying any action to be taken by the patient, selecting appropriate treatment options and arrangements for on going management of the patient, and documenting this on a plan.’ (Source:www.health.gov.au)
How many sessions can I access:
You are able to receive rebates for 10 sessions per calendar year. Referrals are for a maximum of 6 sessions per referral, so you will be required to return to your GP for further referrals or reviews after each group of 4 sessions. Further to these individual sessions, you are also entitled to receive rebates for 10 support groups per calendar year.
Group sessions can also be authorised as part of a Mental Health Care Plan. The GP needs to specify group sessions on the plan. Up to 10 group therapy services can also be provided per calendar year (in addition to individual sessions).
Medicare Rebate
MBS Item No. 80110 50+ Minutes – Registered Psychologist Rebate: $96.65
MBS Item No. 80010 50+ Minutes – Clinical Psychologist Rebate: $141.85
MBS Item No. 80023 90+ Minutes (6-10 people) – Clinical Psychologist Rebate: $57.70
MBS Item No. 80024 120+ Minutes (6-10 people) – Clinical Psychologist Rebate: $78.40
N.B.: once you spend a certain amount on medical expenses you may reach what's called the Medicare safety net which means Medicare will pay for 80% of your out of pocket expenses.
Better Access To Mental Health Care Fact Sheet for Patients: Click Here to View
For further details refer to http://www.health.gov.au/ or call Medicare Australia on 132 011
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is also called the NDIS. The NDIS gives people with social and emotional challenges more choice and control over the support services they receive. PEERS and SAS supports participants with their social, emotional and behavioural NDIS participant goals. Additionally, the program can facilitate the participant's / families capacity building in the following areas:
Social and Community Participation
Improved Relationships
Improved Daily Living Skills
If you are self-managed or plan managed (unfortunately we cannot used NDIA managed plans), many of our groups and programs can be claimed under your NDIS plan depending on your funding and goals. Once you commit to our program we will provide a service agreement that confirms the details of your service and any fees involved.
Find out more: www.ndis.nsw.gov.au