• Individual session - a 60 minute one to one intake session prior to the program to understand your child's needs, to identify whether the program is suitable for your child, and to answer questions related to the program.

  • Child group sessions - Nine 90 minute weekly structured child group sessions that include various games and activities that teach emotion management and social skills.

  • Parent support sessions - a 30 minute parent session follows the child group session every week. Parent group meetings are held throughout the program to advise and support parents on the content of child group meetings and how to help their children apply their SAS skills in real life.

    • It is optimal if parents have the opportunity for networking and facilitated discussion on the successes and challenges they have faced in supporting their children to use their newly learnt social skills.

    • Parent meetings are typically held after each child meeting and without children present.

    • If the program is being co-facilitated, one SAS Facilitator typically delivers the Parent Meetings while the other helps children to use their social-emotional skills during informal play activities.

  • School Support - Classroom teachers are updated on the skills and content children are learning through SAS and how they can support the application of skills in the classroom and playground. This occurs through a combination of providing a series of SAS Teacher Tip Sheets, the Skill Tracker, teacher consultation, school visits, and an optional school staff presentation.

    • SAS is often written into children’s individual learning plans to assist teachers to meet the social-emotional goals of their students.

  • Missions and Mission Journal: Between each child group meeting, children participate in weekly tasks, including playing 4 levels of online gamified learning, skills practice activities in day-to-day life and completion of a reflection journal.

  • Skill Tracker System: A short-term daily motivation tool is used to encourage children to practice specific skills at home and school, aligned with progression through each module of the program.

  • Assessment Measures: A combination of questionnaire booklets, an observational assessment tool, computer game performance and Skill Tracker progress, provide valuable information to guide areas of focus for each individual child as well as providing easy and comprehensive outcome reporting.

  • SAS Digital Headquarters: The online gateway for children to access their club meeting activities, four levels of gamified learning, digital gadget pack, a Mission Journal for self-reflection on real life practice tasks, a multi-user Skill Tracker system, and other tools. 

  • Rewards at the end of every session. Rewards are gadgets that can be used to help feel calm and happy.